Choice Architecture

In an economics class, I learned about a term called “choice architecture” which explains how our decisions can be shaped by the context in which choices are presented to us, where subtle differences in the design of the decision-making context or in the environment around us can have a significant Read more…

Apple designs

At Apple, design comes above all. The design team are given free rein to set their own budgets and are given the ability to ignore manufacturing practicalities. I always found it very interesting how Apple, even though their technology is not the most impressive, is the most popular tech company Read more…

Miniature Video Games

Recently, I discovered a small gadget called “MintyPi 2.0,” which is supposed to work like a mini nintendo! All of the wires and mechanical parts fit into a tiny Altoids case, which I already find to be fascinating. There is something about miniatures that I love. What enhances this obsession Read more…

Realignment of Beauty Brands

I stumbled upon this interesting article in the NY Times about how beauty brands are responding to younger demographics wanting more politicalize products that have sustainable packaging and vegan, or eco-friendly. For example, many consumers look for a sunscreen that’s coral- and reef-safe for the environment. There’s a messaging that Read more…