Choice Architecture

In an economics class, I learned about a term called “choice architecture” which explains how our decisions can be shaped by the context in which choices are presented to us, where subtle differences in the design of the decision-making context or in the environment around us can have a significant Read more…

Apple designs

At Apple, design comes above all. The design team are given free rein to set their own budgets and are given the ability to ignore manufacturing practicalities. I always found it very interesting how Apple, even though their technology is not the most impressive, is the most popular tech company Read more…


TeamLab is an international art collective, an interdisciplinary group of various specialists such as artists, programmers, engineers, CG animators, mathematicians and architects whose collaborative practice seeks to navigate the confluence of art, science, technology, and the natural world. Through art and interactive exhibitions, they explore the relationship between the self Read more…

Apple Park

In 2017, Apple finished construction and moved into the massive campus known as “The Ring”. Apple Park covers 2.8 million square feet, accommodates 12,000 employees and cost approximately $5 billion to build. I find the use of land and design of this spaceship shaped building unique and interesting. Although the Read more…

Tesla New Design

As out future becomes more tech-oriented, I decided to read some articles on this subject. One that I found particularly interesting was about Teslas Cybertruck. Unlike most of teslas vehicles, the Cybertruck is angular and extremely sci-fi looking. Already over half a million people have ordered the new Cybertruck despite Read more…

Art in Architecture

I recently came across this article discussing the influence of art on architecture when I stumbled upon this image which reminded me of the Dada Composite project we did earlier on in class. The way that Davi thoughtfully placed each of the objects in this image creates the overall perception Read more…