Recently, I discovered a small gadget called “MintyPi 2.0,” which is supposed to work like a mini nintendo! All of the wires and mechanical parts fit into a tiny Altoids case, which I already find to be fascinating. There is something about miniatures that I love. What enhances this obsession is the fact that it still involves fully functioning gaming operations! Not only does the screen have a surprising amount of clarity, but the quality of the mechanics also seem to be amazing despite its size! Typically when examining complex miniatures like these, some portion of the quality is sacrificed for the aesthetic. But that is apparently not the case here!

Another example of a similar kind of “machinery”(?) would be these phone cases I found while online shopping!

These phone cases also feature playable games, but the catch is that these games are more simple and retro games. Meanwhile, one can play games such as Zelda and Super Mario on the MintyPi!

The most fascinating part about this for me was how clear the visuals on these machines are. In relation to design and iconagraphy, the ability to make designs compatible with large pixel sizes is clearly a necessary skill here. Amazing!

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