Covid passion project

This blog stuck me as inspirational as we continue into the still-life coding section of the class. Her work surrounds household items which makes sense given the context of the time period of her work which was created during the COVID pandemic. Emotions of loneliness and death fuel her work Read more…

Neon Art Museum – PA

Another museum I would like to draw attention to was one that particularly caught my eye here in Philadelphia– The Neon Art Museum. Neon is an interesting artistic medium as it plays heavy reliance on light, color, movement/animation, and composition of the neon strands. This museum allows the spectator to Read more…

Fashion & Coachella

If you have been on social media at all this past weekend, you probably have seen videos or pictures at one of America’s most famous music festivals, Coachella.  More importantly, maybe you have noticed some of the outfits that were worn by celebrates and other alike.  As someone who spends her days Read more…

Defining Art

There is so much more to Art than just this.   What is Art? Everything.  Like my previous blog post entitled “La La Land and Color Psychology,” I have written about this subject many times in my responses this semester.  However, only Professor Lawrence has the ability to read and review these.  This is Read more…

Unwrap & steal

While scrolling through Tik Tok, I found an artist called Matt Adam who is known for putting up his art in a location and inviting people to unwrap the piece and take it with them. I thought this was an interesting concept as it makes his work fully interactive: the Read more…