Miniature Video Games

Recently, I discovered a small gadget called “MintyPi 2.0,” which is supposed to work like a mini nintendo! All of the wires and mechanical parts fit into a tiny Altoids case, which I already find to be fascinating. There is something about miniatures that I love. What enhances this obsession Read more…

Penn Players: Tuck Everlasting

I had the honor of working on the editing crew of this amazing production (which played three times this past weekend). Due to the unique circumstances provided by Covid-19, the production was made movie musical style, in which the actors pre-recorded their singing, filmed themselves acting, and the editors pieced Read more…

The Power of Photoshop

Before this class, I always viewed photoshop as an elusive application that magically transformed images. This comedic video took that another step further, and proved to me that “photoshopping” is an incredible learned skill. The concept of the video is quite simple, but the steps in achieving its aim seem Read more…

Ai Weiwei and His Political Art It’s refreshing to see someone with such strong political opinions during an era where many people may be intimidated into staying silent. This article reveals Weiwei’s stance on more current topics, for example the general public’s reaction to Trump contracting the coronavirus, to his political actions in the past. Read more…