While I fear the reason why TikTok is somehow magically able to tell that I now have an interest in Photoshop and Adobe Illustrator, I must admit that I found this content both interesting and helpful.

More recently, I discovered @saraheddeb, a graphic designer who decided to make a design a day for the month of November. Each day, she has a different focus and utilizes different techniques. For example, one day she would make a design focused on text, and on another day she would make more illustrative work.

Initially I found the Adobe programs to be quite frustrating, especially because I was used to more literal drawing and illustration programs like Procreate and Paint Tool Sai. But I forgot that my main passion and inspiration for more illustrative work was based off seeing other artist’s processes through speedpaint videos. I was able to experience something similar while watching this particular TikToker. Understanding different ways I could use the blend tool, or seeing how color palettes and initial sketches result in a beautiful product, make me excited to see what I can potentially produce.

The next time I work in Adobe, I will definitely reference these videos again (not just Pinterest like I typically do).

Categories: F_20


Kidist Wosenyeleh · December 1, 2020 at 9:41 pm

yeah, there’s just so many cool things on tiktok. it’s becoming a better platform nowadays, rather than just being about dance videos.

Sarah Kim · December 7, 2020 at 6:27 pm

Becky, it is crazy how accurate the TikTok algorithm is. I, too, get many videos on design and fashion which coincidentally I’m also interested in. I do think it is interesting to see how Gen Z can put so much in a one minute video. It’s insane

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