Before this class, I always viewed photoshop as an elusive application that magically transformed images. This comedic video took that another step further, and proved to me that “photoshopping” is an incredible learned skill. The concept of the video is quite simple, but the steps in achieving its aim seem quite difficult. The video shows a reversal photoshop process of a model, or so the viewer thinks. At each stopping point, the video points out that the visual change will become more drastic. That is until the model is revealed to be a slice of pizza.

Now that I am experimenting with this program, I enjoy being able to recognize some of the tools and techniques this photoshop master uses. Thus, while I am unable to create such a complex masterpiece like this, I am excited that I am able to understand the function of the “dancing ants” and select tools. Even if I cannot manipulate colors and shapes to the degree the video shows, I am content with my baby steps.

Categories: F_20