Art in Architecture

I recently came across this article discussing the influence of art on architecture when I stumbled upon this image which reminded me of the Dada Composite project we did earlier on in class. The way that Davi thoughtfully placed each of the objects in this image creates the overall perception Read more…


As I was doing research for my artist presentation, I stumbled upon a lot of articles related to Afrofuturism. For those who don’t know, Afrofuturism is a cultural aesthetic and movement that aims to reimagine both the past and the future for the African Diaspora. This article explains how Afrofuturism Read more…


I enjoyed the recent readings from Form+Code and recently came across their website. I find the Superformula example particularly fascinating. I thought I would share here for inspiration for our Data Visualization project.

Janice Sung

Perhaps one of my favorite artists of all time is Janice Sung. Her work is mainly digital portraiture, but her artistic style is so distinctive and beautiful. I love how she preserves texture within her work as many digital portrait artists tend make everything seem as smooth and lifelike as Read more…

still life challenge

The still life tradition may have changed but it lives on. When I heard about our still life assignment, I was reminded of this instagram account that has amassed nearly 100k followers: @stillherestilllife The account hosts a weekly still life challenge. Each week, the prompt goes something like this: “Draw Read more…