AI and the Music Industry

Artificial intelligence is becoming increasingly advanced, and as its capabilities increase, so does its potential applications. Recently, machine intelligence has creeped into the music industry. A couple years ago, Intel used artificial intelligence to create the official beat of the Tokyo 2020 Olympics. The AI was trained with numerous pieces Read more…

Seeing colors in words and sound

Synesthesia is the perceptual phenomenon where individuals’ sensory pathways are “linked” in a way that experiencing a stimulus in one sense, such as hearing a sound or touching an object, would also simulate a different sense. Two forms of synesthesia that I find particularly interesting are grapheme–color synesthesia, which individuals Read more…

Take Care of Your Clothes

Raspustilsya Sans

Raspustilsya Sans, or “unraveling threads” in Russian, is a display font created by designer Dina Issayeva as part of the exhibition Go For Quality. The font is intended to highlight the fashion industry’s overuse of synthetic materials and their byproduct, microfiber pollution. Microfibers are non-biodegradable small plastic fibers that are Read more…