Raspustilsya Sans, or “unraveling threads” in Russian, is a display font created by designer Dina Issayeva as part of the exhibition Go For Quality. The font is intended to highlight the fashion industry’s overuse of synthetic materials and their byproduct, microfiber pollution. Microfibers are non-biodegradable small plastic fibers that are shed from clothing and are pushed out into the environment. Raspustilsya Sans aims to call attention to these problems through its letterforms which resemble holes in the fabric of overworn synthetic clothing. Dina Issayeva used her typeface to create an installation in the exhibition. Familiar slogans were placed on grids, symbolizing the initial perfection of the clothing, and then juxtaposed with the destructive lettering to emphasize the damaging nature of synthetic fibers. As a long-time researcher of microplastic and microfiber pollution and its effects on marine wildlife, I found Raspustilsya Sans to be an incredibly impactful art piece.  

Raspustilsya Sans display font
Raspustilsya Sans display font
Categories: F-21