Daily Coding Artworks

https://www.smashingmagazine.com/2020/09/learnings-coding-artwork/ The article above contains a personal story and dialogue of experiences from an artist that has been creating one digital artwork every day for the past five years. I found this perseverance of creation to be amazing and it was very motivational to read through what the artist learned Read more…

Coding == Art

https://blog.usejournal.com/coding-art-312efa2020fd This article on creating art with code was very interesting to read through. I especially enjoyed the section on Code Poetry where the boundaries between linguistics and computational literature were blended in together. I think this highlights the extent to which technology and coding can blend into our lives Read more…

Surreal Collage Art

After coming across this article on surreal collage art, I was inspired by Mikayla Lapierre’s project titled Side Dimes (a collection of photoshopped works with historical paintings). The way she modifies those works with contemporary items while also preserving original elements was very interesting, and it helped me get started Read more…

Color in Art

Since we started working with colors in class, I have been looking up the importance of color in abstract designs. In the example attached above, the two paintings are very similar in style, but the painting on the left uses more warm colors like yellow, orange, red, and pink, while Read more…


This article really focuses on iconography and its role as a whole different language. This piece emphasizes the universality of these icons that extend beyond that of spoken languages. By the end of the piece, the author mentions that the future of iconography relies on the addition of sound, and Read more…

Audio Work

Throughout our Sound Analysis project, I continued to look more into the art of audio and sound itself. I found a lot of amazing audio works, but the one that I want to share is a piece called “Out of Range” by Jana Winderen. She’s also a biochemist and fish Read more…