Since we have a project of the topic Imaginary City, I would like to introduce Bianca Wilson, an Australia-based artist. In her recent work, she explores architectural styles of different cities.

She uses repetitive geometric shapes, such as rows of terrace houses and spiraling stairwells, to illustrate the city landscape. The color patterns are mostly warm, but she also uses cold colors in a few of the work. To me, the work looks relaxing and warming.

For more of her work, please visit

Categories: F_21

1 Comment

Jacqueline Aquino · November 29, 2021 at 11:31 pm

I really like these pieces! Her work is so ~aesthetic~ I love how all the paintings match/feel cohesive. I agree that the pieces feel very calm and cheery. Although she uses very geometric shapes and straight lines she adds a coziness/softness with her color palette that also make the pieces very inviting. Would be cool to see the world through a filter like this lol.

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