When people talk about design and technology I often think of the relationship as a way to promote creativity. Technology has allowed artists to create new forms of art, more art and spread their impact. However, technology has its limitations and with the booming success of TikTok, it’s clear to see the impact of tech and stunted creativity and ability to express it. With TikTok’s algorithm, we see oversaturated content that looks the same. Originality is often ignored and conforming to trends is rewarded with success. The algorithm filters out people, ideas and content that look different from a prototype and as a result you have swarms of people trying to look and be alike in hopes of going viral. Read more about TikTok being the death of originality here: https://www.thumped.co.uk/why-tik-tok-is-the-death-of-originality/

Categories: F_21

1 Comment

Priyansh Gupta · November 29, 2021 at 10:57 pm

Hi Victoria,

This is a very loaded topic, and I tend to agree – TikTok rewards those who follow trends and many artistic people should not quantify their success over a platform like TikTok. I think something to consider is that TikTok (at least in my mind) is not truly a presentation of art. However, artists/creatives who do spend a lot of time on TikTok may see their ideas begin to conform to societal expectations.

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