Color Blind

Color sets tone. Color establishes importance. Color invokes interest. Color is a critical aspects of visual design, photography, and art. Interesting, monochrome designs, photography, and art do not detract from the tone, importance, interest, or visual appeal of a visual artwork. “Colour may show the actuality of a scene while Read more…

The Place We Live

I’m very interested in photography and I enjoy taking pictures, especially of landscapes and architecture, and editing them. So I’ve decided to introduce a photographer to the blog this week (although its not too related to design, I hope you’ll enjoy). Robert Adams is a black and white photographer who Read more…


Dina Leyzarovich is a student photographer working at UPenn. She shoots headshots, special occasions (ie. engagement photos). However, she specializes in portrait photography. Her style focuses on being clean yet colorful and she focuses heavily on finding the proper lighting. “My favorite part about photography is being able to meet Read more…