This week, we read we read about intervention art or art that is in conversation with its location and the public. After watching the video “Chalk,” I was immediatley reminded of the Reddit’s 2017 April Fools activity. For 72 hours, Reddit had a 1000 by 1000 pixel image up on the site and allowed users to change one pixel every 5 to 15 minutes. This lead to several groups of people creating beautiful icons, flags and symbols. Over time, some of the images were covered up and erased, and then recreated by a dedicated group of individuals. Every once in a while a black splatter would appear as one group of people tried to turn the entire screen black, but it often would fade as another group drew something over it.

The last frame in the of the board is up here and here is a link to a time lapse YouTube video of it:

Categories: F_20

1 Comment

Yune Kim · November 16, 2020 at 5:17 pm

this is so cool! i’ve never seen this before

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