I was looking through booooooom.com when I came across this article on Lydia Cambron. She is a designer who uses her designs to convey political messages. One of her most recent projects involved taking well-recognized logos and altering them to include social justice protests.

In her words, “I was struck by the defensive reaction to the protests against police brutality, and the conversation that followed–how much disbelief there was towards individuals calling for equality and accountability, compared to the trust given to the institutions being challenged. I suppose it reminded me of our faith in brands and corporations as being infallible and trustworthy.”

As a society, we’re quick to trust brands and buy into brand identity, rather than support the identities of those around us. I think it’s really interesting how something as simple as logos can provide social commentary.

Categories: F_20

1 Comment

Yune Kim · October 5, 2020 at 8:14 pm

This is so cool!

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