While we were learning about using code to make art in our various readings, I wanted to look into artists that are using AI to make art and artist Refik Anadol really stood out to me. 

A Ted interview with him from around a year ago is shown above and here is a link to his site (https://refikanadol.com/) . His data sculptures are super intriguing and his use of data and algorithms to make such free flowing, dynamic, immersive and poetic pieces of art is really cool. I would love to see his work in person!

RECENT NEWS: I just checked out his instagram (@refikanadol) and his newest piece is called “Machine Hallucinations: Coral” for Miami Art Week and is about the need to address coral reef die outs. I love to scuba dive so this really peaked my interest. Perfect timing given the connection to our intervention proposal project! (https://miamiartweek.faenaart.org/programming/refik-anadol ).

Categories: F_21