As the Spring equinox just passed us by and marked the beginning of spring, I was reminded of this old concept my grandma and my aunt insist and swear by: Color Seasons.

The whole idea is that based on whether your skin’s undertones, the color of your eyes, your hair and other similar features are cool or warm. Based on this tally of features, you get to be one of the 10 color seasons. This color season should showcase every single color that you can wear and will make you look good. Personally, my grandma and my aunt have never come to an agreement on what color season I am, but take a look at this guide and see what color season you fall under.

And just out of curiosity, comment if you agree with this method and your assigned color palette or not!

warm spring - warm autumn color chart
cool winter - cool summer color chartdeep autumn - deep winter colorsclear winter - clear spring colorssoft summer - soft autumn colors
Categories: S_21

1 Comment

Mandy Chuang · March 26, 2021 at 5:02 pm

This is so cool! I feel like this concept of dressing or applying makeup to suit your skin tone/underhues has been explored for ages, but seeing this in a flow chart was really interesting.

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