I went to &Pizza for the first time last weekend, and although the pizza was incredible, what really caught me off guard were the designs within the store and on the packaging.  For example, the &Pizza box is simplistic in design, yet fun to look at (sadly, I don’t have a picture of the box).

I took some time to look up &Pizza’s other boxes, what’s interesting is that in the past, they have held contests for others to design a series of boxes to reflect &Pizza’s vision.  After some digging online, these were some of the top entries:

It’s funny cause these designs here remind me of our first study in this course.  With only pure black and white colors, how can we produce something visually interesting to look at?  How can we emphasize contrast in our designs?  I’m a big fan of this style (B/W), so perhaps when I have some more free time or for a later project, I’ll take a blank box of some sorts and fill in my own design.

Categories: S_21

1 Comment

Mandy Chuang · March 4, 2021 at 6:43 pm

OMG I LOVE &PIZZA!!!! Their box designs are always very aesthetic and meaningful. During the election, their boxes said Vote ______ Out and encouraged people to go out and vote. Super strong and deliberate message.

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