
This is a weird one. Weird source – Packaging Digest.

These unprecedented times led to a lot of change around us – some substantial, but some a little more subtle. Reflecting back on this year of dramatic change, the one thing that came to mind was packaging for some reason.

For some reason, I noticed how things were being packaged more “pandemic friendly”. Spoons and Forks in individualized plastic wrap for example. Reading this article was pretty interesting too. They mentioned how there has been an incredible surge in the use of disposable plastics.

This left me thinking about a tradeoff – pandemic safe vs planet-friendly. Feels like the scales have been tipped towards pandemic safe designs and packaging.

Can the future of packaging be both?

Categories: S_21

1 Comment

Vivian Li · March 6, 2021 at 2:09 am

This is something I’ve noticed as well, so thank you for sharing. I’ve been thinking about how packaging can be used as an indicator of safety without adding a ton of extra plastic or wasteful parts. For example, I’ve had takeout recently provided in a normal brown paper bag plus just a sticker added over the opening that is meant to indicate your food hasn’t been tampered with. That didn’t seem to add too much in additional materials and I wonder if we can find more subtle solutions to give people piece of mind like that.

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