I’ve been watching more Binging with Babish videos, and as I watch more and more videos, I realized that the process of cooking is especially similar to my process of building the Sound Analysis studies.  It’s a constant trial and error – adding in salt to offset the blandness, adding a dark curvilinear shape to balance the positive and negative space, etc.

Not to mention, there’s something to be said about the art of food presentation.  When you present a dish, similar to our studies, we need to consider how the different elements interact with each other. What’s the focus of the study/dish? If there’s color, do the colors complement each other to create a unified dish? And obviously, there’s no doubt that how a particular dish is presented affects the tastiness – and Babish certainly brings the best out of his dishes.

Or it could just be that I’m hungry, which is an entirely realistic possibility.

Categories: S_21


Paola Camacho · February 11, 2021 at 4:56 pm

Many people don’t think about it often, but food preparation really is a type of art in itself, and it’s not easy—it takes patience and conscious effort to make a dish look not only edible, but appealing! Also, I totally agree with your comparison of design and cooking though trial and error, although I wish there was a Command Z-equivalent for cooking because I do be messing up….a lot.

Katie Rush · February 12, 2021 at 3:09 pm

First of all, I LOVE Binging With Babish– he really can make any dish look amazing. I liked how you related his food presentation to our sound studies, and I totally agree that in many ways they use the same skill set! I also think it’s interesting that in a similar way to how we found inspiration from a sound, he finds inspiration from what he sees (he makes the dishes based on what he sees in movies, TV, etc.), without actually knowing what’s in the dish!

Cami Irabien · February 15, 2021 at 4:52 pm

Cooking is definitely an art, where you learn how to make different elements which you later on put together. I also feel like there is something artistic about figuring out how to salvage dishes or parts that might have not gone according to plan, as you would when something doesn’t work out on Illustrator. Thanks for the recommendation, will definitely be watching that now!!

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