HBO Max recently announced a partnership with Warner Bros. that will allow them to release the 2021 movies on their streaming service the same day as they release in theaters. Despite the implications with regards to movie theaters potentially grossing less revenue, as I watched the trailer it reminded me of how cookie-cutter movie trailers have been. Over many years they continue to follow a similar formula of intense dramatization of important moments to build up hype for the film. Even with 10+ films this trailer kept the same formula. I would like to see more innovation in the space, as new ways to design movie trailers could be a breath of fresh air for the industry. Do you remember the last time a movie you had no interest in got you to watch because of its trailer? This is what I believe movies could do a better job of creating, rather than solely serving people who already plan on seeing a movie.

Categories: F_20

1 Comment

Sarah Kim · December 7, 2020 at 6:42 pm

I agree! There is a cookie-cutter method to movie trailers these days. Sometimes movie trailers tell too much about the film which ruins the whole purpose of even watching it. Midsommar actually has a good trailer especially since when I saw the trailer I was like ‘what the heck is happening’. In fact, A24 does a good job at creating enticing trailers.

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