I came across this video touching on the power that the design of an album cover can have on the experience listening to the album. The most interesting point made (in my opinion) was the fact that the design has to encapsulate the experience that your album is creating. It is similar to creating an entire new world for your music, and making your cover be the portal into this world. Should more designs be viewed as portals into other universes? It was an interesting perspective that I felt would be worth sharing since album cover design can often be overlooked.

Categories: F_20


Chris · December 7, 2020 at 4:13 pm

As someone who has spent countless hours looking through LP covers, artwork and liner notes while listening to records, I appreciate this post!

Sarah Kim · December 7, 2020 at 6:45 pm

I think album covers are interesting because as streaming increases there is less attention to album art in a way. I feel like it isn’t appreciated as it used to be especially when you bought a record cover and the artwork was regularly viewed to access the music.

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