Unwrap & steal

While scrolling through Tik Tok, I found an artist called Matt Adam who is known for putting up his art in a location and inviting people to unwrap the piece and take it with them. I thought this was an interesting concept as it makes his work fully interactive: the Read more…

Jon Foreman: Land artist

Similarly, to James Turrell’s work, the artist Jon Foreman uses the natural environment to make art. His pieces are massive and usually involve the use of stones or leaves. He prioritizes the act of creating as a form of therapy where he can enjoy the time working.

Why so much Basquiat?

In the past few months, when entering a store or looking at products online I have noticed the sudden surge of products with Basquiat pieces and I always wondered “why?” I’ve seen Cassetify and Forever 21 collaborations and the numbers only seem to be growing. One has to wonder whether Read more…