Google Search: Art

There is so much more to Art than just this.  

What is Art?

Everything.  Like my previous blog post entitled “La La Land and Color Psychology,” I have written about this subject many times in my responses this semester.  However, only Professor Lawrence has the ability to read and review these.  This is a subject I am passionate about and would love to share to a wide-based audience. 

Once again, Everything is Art.  I took graphic design in high school, and I stand by a lot of what my teacher, Ms. Williams, taught me.  She was passionate about all topics she discussed with her students in class and, therefore, made her students passionate about it.  One day she stands up and asks her students, freshman in high school, new to the open minded way of thinking of those in Atlantic City high school, What is Art?  Around the room we start calling out the basics “drawings,” “graphic design,” “paintings.” Once we ran out of answers that’s when she said the thing I still hold with me five years later: Everything is Art.  I sit in my bedroom and I look around; it is filled with Art: the design and unique shape of my coffee mug, the label on my deodorant, the yellow paint that covers my wall, even the letters on my keyboard. These are all examples of Art.


What has Artistic Intention? 

Once again, everything.  I will go back to the example of the letters on the keyboard of my laptop.  It does not seem like Art, right?  But Apple specifically made each letter on the keyboard a sans-serif font, capitalized, and a certain thickness.  Typography is an important part of Artistic expression unless you have specifically studied it, you do not notice its importance.  This is just one example of how people do not notice the Artistic Intention of things.  Color selection is also a significant part of Art because it contributes to mood, to readability, and to capturing a targeted audience.  Everything that is made is done so with choosing specific dimensions: comfort, color, shape, etc. 

Getting Ready

What makes an Artist?

We are all Artists.  Another example I am going to bring up is getting up and ready for your day in the morning.  Would most people consider that Art?  No.  But remember the premise of this article—Everything is Art.  I do not paint or draw on a regular basis.  Every morning I pick out my outfit, put on my makeup.  In this situation, I am the canvas and I am the Artist.  

We are surrounded by Art constantly.  This is why I believe that people say that we are constantly surrounded by Beauty, as there is always Beauty to be found in Art.

Categories: 403-MW