Growing up, I was always interested in learning how to play either the cello or the drums, but I never really had the opportunity to get a quality music education. There weren’t many people around me who offered classes, and those who did usually charged more than I could afford. However, now in college, I am presented with the opportunity to do so without extra cost. Like me, I had quite a few friends growing up who weren’t able to learn certain instruments or didn’t have access to any form of music instruction simply due to cost.

Due to the benefits of a music education–especially during early childhood–people shouldn’t be prohibited from getting one simply due to lack of funds.

Music education has multiple proven benefits. Among these include the improvement of spatial temporal skills, self-confidence, motor skills and co-ordination, language development, and discipline. Learning an instrument, especially at a young age, trains parts of the brain and web of circuits involved in sound processing and comprehension. Studies show that children with a music education are also able to have better focus and memory compared to those who didn’t.

With these advantages, it is important that children who have interest, are able to access a quality music education regardless of the socio-economic status of their family.

Categories: 403-MW

1 Comment

Kyuho Lee · April 16, 2022 at 7:05 pm

Music education is so important!! I was fortunate enough to grow up in a town where the arts were fully funded, and the result was an incredible community driven by the creation of music. It definitely single-handedly contributed to my musical interests today!

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