I was not a huge fan of museums and gallery. When I was young, I was dragged to visit art galleries and had to go on multiple school trips to museums. I was always bored at listening to the museum guides narration of each art piece and tended to not pay attention to the descriptions written small next to the creator. I did not understood the joy people get from viewing art and did not feel any emotional attachment to any art pieces. However, once I gradually realized the power of art, I began to appreciate each art pieces and wondered about the thought process behind each artworks. Then, during fall break, I visited Waterfall Mansion Gallery after hearing that my dad’s work was hung on some of the walls.

When I visited this art gallery, I listened very carefully about the explanations of each artwork. The artwork was reflections of personal stories and thoughts authors had in life. It was very interesting to hear how the artwork came about and the background stories each one had. I was also surprised by the variations of artwork. There were donuts on the wall, chandeliers with each glass holding different pictures, ceramic channel bags..etc. I was amazed at the quality of the artworks and I am planning on visiting more galleries and museums in Korea this Summer.

Categories: 403-MW

1 Comment

Jane Kim · April 14, 2022 at 1:12 am

I usually don’t typically feel emotional attachments or much emotion either when visiting art galleries and museums, but it was interesting to see your dad’s pieces displayed at the Waterfall Mansion gallery. I remember the pieces there being very captivating and novel.

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