My Bed by Tracy Emin, exhibited at the Tate Gallery, 1999.

The idea for My Bed was inspired by a depressive phase in the artist’s life when she had remained in bed for several days without eating or drinking anything but alcohol. Having recently broken up a relationship she remained ensconced in her room, in both a disconsolate state and stupor. When she looked at the repulsive state she had left and the vile mess that had accumulated in her room, she suddenly realized what she had created.

The artwork generated considerable controversy, with the ensuing media furor focusing on the bedsheets stained with bodily secretions and the floor being strewn with items from the artist’s room, such as condoms, underwear with menstrual blood stains, other detritus, and functional, everyday objects, including a pair of slippers. The bed was presented exactly in the state that Emin claimed it had been after languishing in it for several days was over.

My Bed was exhibited at the Tate Gallery in 1999 as one of the shortlisted works for the Turner Prize. Although it did not win the prize, losing out to Steve McQueen, its notoriety has persisted.

Categories: 406-TR

1 Comment

Connie Pan · April 17, 2022 at 3:58 am

I think this piece sort of comforting. I frequently have days in which I can’t leave my bed or leave my room at all, and my living space turns into a hellhole of stuff and clutter and trash, sometimes. I feel like a rat in my little sewer. To have someone take this and put it into art, and have that art be recognized and succeed, makes me see with my own eyes that everyone goes through hard times; sometimes you can’t clean up after yourself for a bit, and that’s okay. I’ve never seen My Bed before, and I’m so glad you shared!

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