There’s been absolutely no shortage of praise for Breath of the Wild. Released in 2017 by Nintendo, it’s won countless awards, including Game of the Year. This game is indisputably visually beautiful, and its art style, which can be credited to its innovative use of cell shading, helps carry the aesthetic of the game.

However, there is a piece that pulls the entire game together, and without it, Breath of the Wild would certainly not be the game that it is — the sonic design.

Typical games rely on loud noise to keep the player invested. However, this game does the opposite. It’s quiet. Its meticulously crafted sonic atmosphere comes together with precisely timed sound effects, ambient music, and the sounds of life around your world. It’s an aspect of the game that has not been appreciated enough — the sounds go a long way in making the game feel open, alive, and relaxing. Below are some soundtracks from the game which I really like. Enjoy!

Further reading:

Categories: 403-MW