When Disney is mentioned, the first idea that comes into a lot of our minds is the animation. Disney is probably most famous for its animated movies and has been the best at animation for years. The credit for this has to go to many of the leading animation artists throughout history starting with Sleeping Beauty, one of the first animated films. But One Hundred and One Dalmatians  was one of the first animated movies to become an overnight sensation. This was due to the outstanding animation of Cruella. Cruella was known for her crazy fashion, unique black and white hair and her frantic energy. This was all easily portrayed through animation. But the genius of this animation was due to the impeccable sketches of Marc Davis. He was able to bring Cruella’s frantic energy to life with strong angles and intense sketch lines. Additionally, he creatively made her have high cheekbones and thin limbs to add more oomph to the evil personality of Cruella that we are so used to today. On top of all this and being such an experienced artist, he took many references from actress Mary Wickes to bring this character to life. So behind all the amazingly animated Disney characters goes the hard work, research and creativity of artists like Marc Davis.

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