I first learned about Marina Abromović from another student in my group for the Intervention in Public Space project. Out of all her performances/pieces, Rhythm 0 is the one that shocked me the most. I would assume that many others also find Rhythm 0 to be her most shocking performance. In Rhythm 0, Abromović stood in the gallery, placed 72 items (including a loaded pistol and scalpel) in front of herself, and told the audience they could do whatever they wanted to her while she took full responsibility.

All of her performances involve shocking or atypical actions, ones that grab viewers’ attention in ways that “traditional” art does not. I am curious as to whether Marina Abramović is seeking attention or whether she truly has a message that she’s trying to convey with her work. The things people did to her in Rhythm 0 were appalling, but the performance is still unique.

I found this video which summarizes Abromović’s work, and I encourage you to check it out if you have a chance!

Categories: 403-MW