In “Cultivating the Self”, Alta Starr quotes Audre Lorde to confront the way some people live “outside themselves”, meaning that they rely on external directives only, rather than their internal knowledge and needs. Through embodiment and somatic work, one can deconstruct traditional structures that often limit and distract creative processes.
This blog stuck me as inspirational as we continue into the still-life coding section of the class. Her work surrounds household items which makes sense given the context of the time period of her work Read more…
Another museum I would like to draw attention to was one that particularly caught my eye here in Philadelphia– The Neon Art Museum. Neon is an interesting artistic medium as it plays heavy reliance on Read more…
As an artist we hold many powers, but one significant one is to think critically and creatively to problem solve. This article explores how designers have created eco-friendly packaging to help keep the environment clean. Read more…