The Guerrilla Girls are a group of female artists and art world professionals that create pieces targeting disparities in the art world, mostly centered around sexism. They formed in 1985, and since then, membership has grown to around 30 anonymous members going by pseudonyms of past female artist icons.

In the spirit of the recent showing of the Oscars, here is a piece they made that rattled the art world. It criticizes the overbearing majority of white males that receive these esteemed awards.

The Guerrilla Girls, After 3 Decades, Still Rattling Art World Cages - The  New York Times

This 2015 billboard perfectly highlights their work and why it has stayed relevant. The group acts as the art world crusaders and exposes flaws in the system while remaining humorous to appeal to the majority.

(I’m sure the group has thoughts about Will Smith’s performance at this year’s screening!)

Categories: 403-MW