In my mind, design and art were always somewhat interchangeable concepts– a form of visual communication. However, digging further, nuances arise to show differences between the two. Are they the same, and if not, what’s the distinction between the two and their functionalities?

Art (creative visual art)Design
Common Definition The application of and the expression
of imagination and creativity
A specification for creating something, a system, object, process, or activity.
ExamplesPainting, sculpture, photography, etc..Observed in fashion, products, interiors, software interfaces, publishing, 
Main purposeAppreciation for beauty and emotional impact and expression for ideas and visions.Practical produce a plan, product, process, or prototype centered around users to create solutions for physical items, people, or systems. 
FocusArtist need > Observer needUser Need > Designer need
Distinctive termsPerceptual
Created for oneself
Created for others
Constrained by clients
SimilaritiesFundamental creative visual principles: color, shape, line, balance, contrast, rhythm, etc..
Work can be visually attractive
Creative abilities needed and honed through the same artistic methods of drawing, painting, etc…

Art is more inherently inclusive and subjective. There is high debate as to what constitutes art, in which the scope includes has been evolving over the years. 

Design is more practical and functional– less aesthetically focused. Designers still have a purpose for self-expression through designs, but it is not the primary objective. 

In both, artistic skills and creativity are necessary, but the main differentiation is that designs must solve problems, while art does not provoke thought and emotion. Moreover, artistic skill is more seen as a talent or natural gift, and design skill is considered taught-able and learnable. The most distinctive difference between art and design is the relationship with storytelling and expression. Storytelling is the primary goal of art, but considered an effective tool to achieve the end goal in design. With these differences, however, the relationship between design and art is closely linked and the line between them are ever-changing as well.

Categories: 406-TR


Rain Yan · March 26, 2022 at 3:42 am

This was a great read! I personally have learned a lot, as previously art and design really have this sort of blurred boundary. But after reading your post I think I have a clear idea in mind now of the similarities and difference and the essence that makes each one each. I specifically really liked how you were able to concisely and visually point out the distinctions between art and design.

Ariel Zhou · March 30, 2022 at 5:39 pm

This was so fascinating to read. Before taking this class, I never separated out the differences between art and design nor do I think a lot of people in society understand the similarities and differences, so this was an amazing educational post!

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