An interactive art museum called Color Factory began in San Fransisco in 2017, has locations in New York City and Houston, and will be opening an exhibit in Chicago in 2022. From the museum website, Color Factory is “an experiential art exhibit inspired by the joy of color”. The exhibit plays into individual’s child-like imagination and creates alluring sensory experiences for attendees. Color Factory works to engage the five senses and to create a connection between the color stories within the exhibit and the daily life of the participants.

For more information, visit the museum’s website:

Check out their blog for interesting stories related to the museum and team of artists:

Categories: F-21


Elisa Zhang · November 30, 2021 at 2:59 am

This looks super cool and I would love to go sometime!

Helena Zhang · December 1, 2021 at 2:44 am

Although I have mostly seen color as part of art, it is interesting to see an exhibit of color as the art itself. I would definitely love to see this someday.

Ishaani Basu · December 1, 2021 at 3:35 am

I really wanted to go to The Color Factory! We went to the Museum of Sex in New York last week and they use similar sensory experiences to make super fun and Instagrammable spots

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