Recently, Netflix has a new animated show on its streaming service, called Arcane. It’s a show focusing on the lore and events of a video game, League of Legends. But you do not need any prior knowledge of the game in order to experience the show. When I first watched it, I was expecting a beautiful yet whimsical story about the game, yet I found something completely different. In between its amazing painterly yet fluid art and animation style, there lies a deeply moving, sad, and powerful story about family, strength, trauma, intervoven between the show’s blend of action, drama, political thriller, and occasional humor.

I highly recommend this show to anyone.

Categories: F-21


Cindy Xu · November 18, 2021 at 3:08 am

I am also so obsessed with Arcane’s animation art style! The level of detail and “painterly” style as you described really makes it seem like League of Legends concept art brought to life!

Will Cai · November 29, 2021 at 10:49 pm

I’ve sworn since middle school to never play League but I have to agree that show is still so, so incredible. It blends 3D and 2D stylings in such a unique and groundbreaking way, but even with its visuals, the storytelling and characters are really what make it one of the best shows in recent memory.

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