This article by Walker Downey talks about different ways musicians make art with the readily available resources during home isolation. The artists use every-day objects to create unique sounds, playing with different tones, pitch, and frequency. As art materials are becoming harder to access as lockdowns go in place, people are coming up with inventive ways to create art. Below are a few interesting pieces of sound art that various musicians have produced during the quarantine.

Muffled Drums

Washing Machine

A State of Enclosure

I thought it would be a fun little activity to do when you have some free time around. Why don’t you give it a try to create a fun auditory art piece?

Categories: F-20

1 Comment

Samantha Powers · December 4, 2020 at 2:01 pm

Unrelated but kinda related, this reminded me Miss Congeniality when she does her talent act on making music out of the glasses of water filled at different levels for different sounds. This was a fun read to get into and peaked my curiosity.

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