Why you must choose quality over quantity when it comes to your wardrobe.

It is not new news that the fashion industry is a major contributor to our world’s environmental crisis and responsible for 10% of global carbon emissions. Yet many people are unaware of just how harmful fast fashion is. It is true that you can just replace an item of clothing if it rips, pills, or frays to the point of being unwearable, and it may be fun to get a special, new dress for that party this weekend. But when compiled across nations of people, these actions have serious consequences. There is a finite amount of space on this Earth so we cannot afford to be filling up our landfills with 17 million tons of textile waste each year. That’s why you must do your part and chose quality over quantity next time you’re out clothes shopping.

To explore further:

Watch this eye-opening documentary called The True Cost to become an aware consumer and learn more about the harm the fashion industry is causing to both the environment and people.

Read this post on Hello Brownlow to learn how to shop more sustainably.

Skim this article to hear how business owners are working to move beyond fast fashion.

(featured image from https://cherwell.org/2018/12/09/fast-fashion-means-a-slow-death-for-the-planet-this-christmas/)

Categories: F-21


David Feng · October 1, 2021 at 2:40 am

That’s fascinating! There’s a great John Oliver episode on this as well; it was staggering how much an impact fast fashion has on climate and rising temperatures. But fast fashion may also be part of the larger trend of materialism, which also has detrimental impacts on our world.

Julia Dase · October 5, 2021 at 3:16 pm

This is super interesting! After reading the articles I definitely thought about what clothing I have in my closet and whether it was good quality or if I bought it for a specific event. I definitely think that the more exposure people get to the harm fast fashion has on Earth the less people will be interested in fast fashion.

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