Over the weekend, I went to Wonderspaces for the first time. After taking mandatory pics with the lights, my friends and I explored the other art, which in my opinion, was much more interesting than the lights. One piece was made up of small slips of paper rolled up and placed in slots in the wall. One end of the paper was red while the other was white, and you were supposed to take out a piece that had white facing out, draw a picture or write a message on it, then reinsert it with the red side facing out. This reminded me of the reading on MicroUtopias as the message on the slip of paper itself is private, but we are ultimately placing the paper where anyone can look at it, exposing the privacy to the public.

Categories: S_21

1 Comment

Fatima Al Rashed · March 26, 2021 at 10:49 pm

This is a very cool picture Claire! I also love the connection to our reading. I am curious (please feel free to not answer) to know in what ways have our readings influenced your way of interpreting art during the visit in comparison to your friends?

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