Anime has for a long time been seen as a huge influence for fashion in Japan and vice versa. I think in recent years, as it has become more popular worldwide, the cultural reach of anime has grown. In recent months, I feel as though popular fashion trends have been heavily influenced by classic anime. One notable example is the anime Nana by Ai Yazawa — the main character is a diehard Vivienne Westwood fan and wears her signature orb necklace all the time.

The same necklace blew up in popularity on TikTok, and now can be found in dupe form on hundreds of websites.

From @chloahn on Instagram

Similarly, the clothes that anime characters such as Nana wear are influence for a lot of the styles that we can see growing in popularity today.

From @virghoexoxo on TikTok

I think it’s really cool to see this interaction between art and fashion. I personally love the clothes worn in anime and am excited that the styles are becoming more popular worldwide!

Categories: F-20

1 Comment

Abel Elias · December 8, 2020 at 11:15 pm

I agree that anime has played a role in fashion and has inspired numerous fashion designers today. The art of Japanese animation is beginning to allow the creation of aesthetic cartoon models to display their designs, and its influence is pushing beyond Eastern boundaries into the Western world.

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