After watching the video on Color: Concepts & Systems, I was reminded of the artist, Puuung, who has a very characteristic color scheme for her art. The colors she uses are all on the duller side, and she uses many oranges and browns in her art and animations. I think this color palette adds a warmth in her work that would not be achieved with more intense versions of the same colors. I find it interesting how dull colors are often associated with more depressing themes, but in this case, it allows the focus to be put on the relationships between her characters rather than the colors themselves.

The palette is also desaturated, which makes colors that otherwise would stand out against each other blend together. This creates a muted and calming feel to the artwork which goes well with the message of the Puuung’s work: that one should appreciate the little things. Even though the art is not the flashiest or brightest, one still feels warm inside after looking at it, mirroring the idea that people doesn’t need flashy things in life to enjoy it.

Categories: S_21